


  尊龙凯时环保(集团)有限公司创立于1999年5月 ,于2011年1月11日与中国水务投资有限公司进行重组 ,成为中国水务的全资子公司 ,注册资本为4.65亿元人民币 。公司以同济大学城市污染控制国家工程研究中心为主要科技依托 ,通过与国内外著名高校 ,科研院所以及企业的广泛合作与交流 ,研制 、开发并掌握多项环保高新技术及产品 。与此同时 ,公司拥有自主知识产权 、具有先进水平的环保高新科技成果进而市场化 ,用于工程实践 ,并形成生产力 ,充分体现了“产 、学 、研”一体化优势 。公司主要经营范围包括 :环保和环卫产品的研制 、生产 、销售;环保和环卫工程总承包 、设计 、安装 、调试 、运营;环保和环卫工程领域的四技服务 。

  目前主要技术和产品包括 :水处理关键技术和配套设备;各类工业废水处理技术和设备;污泥处理处置关键技术和配套设备;城市生活垃圾收运 、中转技术和设备;城市生活垃圾综合处理及焚烧技术和设备;特种废物焚烧炉;尾气处理技术和设备等 。公司成立至今承揽了环保 、环卫领域中若干项治理工程项目 。

  同时公司凭借自有科研开发技术 、货币资金和投融资等能力承接了多项自来水厂 、城市生活污水处理厂 、城市生活垃圾综合处理及焚烧发电厂 、固体废物处理处置 、城市生活污水收集管网以及上海医疗卫生废物无害化集中处理系统等不同类行的BOT 、BT 、TOT项目 。公司良好的经营状况和佼人的业绩为其在中国环保市场中打下了扎实的基础 。

  由国家水利部综合事业局联合战略投资者发起成立的国家级专业水务投资和运营管理的中国水务投资有限公司从事原水开发和供应 、区域间调水 、城市供排水 、城市生活污水处理 、苦咸水淡化等水务行业投资运营管理及相关增值服务, 中国水务投资有限公司将充分发挥和利用自身及各股东单位的资源 、融资 、管理和人才优势 ,力争将公司打造成环保产业中受政府信赖和社会尊重的最具有影响力的卓越品牌 。

  我们愿与社会各界一起 ,携手共进 ,为人类幸福 、健康和可持续发展做出应有的贡献 。

Shanghai Environmental Protection(Group) Co., Ltd(SEPG), established in May 1999. In order to further adapt to the market demand and pursue further development, SEPG became a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Water Investment Co., Ltd. on January 1, 2011, and its registered capital was increased to RMB 265 million. Prof. Gao Tingyao, former president of Tongji University, served as the chairman of the initial board of directors and directed the overall operation of SEPG. In order to further adapt to the market demand and pursue further development, SEPG became a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Water Investment Co., Ltd. on January 1, 2011, and its registered capital was increased to RMB 265 million.

Mainly relying on the technical support rendered by the National Engineering Research Center for Urban Pollution Control, Tongji University, SEPG has developed and mastered a number of environmental protection technologies and a number of new high-tech products through extensive cooperation and exchange with domestic and overseas distinguished universities, research institutes and businesses. SEPG commercializes and applies its updated scientific and technological achievements in the field of environmental protection, excellently reflecting the advantage of “enterprise-university-research” integration.

The main business activities of SEPG include: development, production and marketing of environmental protection and sanitation products; general contracting, design, installation, commissioning and operation of environmental protection and sanitation projects; technological development, technology transfer, technical consulting and technical service in the field of environmental protection and sanitation. At present, its main technologies and products include key technology and auxiliary equipment for water treatment; various technologies and equipment for industrial wastewater treatment; key technology and auxiliary equipment for sludge treatment; technology and equipment for urban domestic garbage collection and transit; technology and equipment for integrated urban domestic garbage treatment and incineration,; special waste incinerator; exhaust treatment technology and equipment, etc.

SEPG has undertaken several projects in the field of environmental protection and sanitation since its incorporation. With its research and development expertise, financial resources, investment and financing capability, SEPG has also accomplished several waterworks, urban domestic wastewater treatment works, urban domestic garbage treatment and incineration power plants, solid waste treatment, urban domestic wastewater collection network and centralized medical waste treatment system of Shanghai, which features diversified financing patterns, such as BOT, BT, and TOT.

SEPG has built up a solid presence in China’s environment protection business with its perfect operation and outstanding performance. Its parent company, China Water Investment Co., Ltd., is a national corporation specializing in water investment and management and co-founded by the Bureau of Comprehensive Development of the Ministry of Water Resources and other strategic investors. China Water Investment Co., Ltd. deals with water project investment, operation and management, such as development and supply of raw water, inter-region water transfer, urban supply & drainage services, urban domestic wastewater treatment, brackish water desalination, as well as the provision of other water related value-added services. China Water Investment Co., Ltd. will make full use of the competitive advantages of its shareholders in resources, financing, management and talents to develop SEPG into the most influential brand in the industry of environmental protection ,being trusted by the government organizations and respected by the society as well.

SEPG is dedicated to cooperating with you and making contributions for the happiness, health and sustainable development of the mankind.